I am trying to validate an email input using Regex in jQuery - only for the following criteria:
Inputs I want to allow:
Inputs I want to prevent:
So far I came up with the following but I am having trouble with excluding the combinations of two symbols and with limiting the @ sign to only one.
Can someone show me how to do this right ?
I am only looking for a basic validation for the above criteria and for English letters only (everything else I cover in jQuery).
My Regex:
var val = $(this).val();
var checkEmail = /(?!^[@.-])(?!.*@@)(?!.*\.\.)(?!.*--)(?!.*[@.-]$)[0-9a-z@\.\-]/g;
if(val.match(checkEmail) {
console.log('input valid');
} else {
console.log('input invalid');
Many thanks in advance,
You can use the regex below to achieve your results:
^(?!.+?(?:\.-|\.\.|--|-@|\.@|@\.).+?)[^.-@ ][a-z0-9_.-]+@[a-z0-9_.-]+(?<=[^.-@ ])$
Explanation of the above regex:
^, $
- Represents start and end of test string resp.
- Represents negative lookahead not matching the test string if it contains consecutive.-
[^.-@ ]
- Represents negative match if string starts with any of.-@
- Represents the character set where the String contains anything in the characters mentioned above with only one@
(?<=[^.-@ ])
- Represents positive lookbehind which matches any test string not ending with.-@
You can find the demo of above regex here.
var val = "hello@gmail.com";
var checkEmail = /^(?!.+?(?:\.-|\.\.|--|-@|\.@|@\.).+?)[^.-@ ][a-z0-9_.-]+@[a-z0-9_.-]+(?<=[^.-@ ])$/gm;
if (val.match(checkEmail)) {
console.log('input valid');
} else {
console.log('input invalid');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>