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How to run electron as root

I try to run electron on may kali linux as where I am the root but it doesn't show anything but it works on my ubuntu where I am not the root.

When I run: npm run electron:start

I get this:

11640:0227/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See

help me please.


  • The only solution I found is to do it without being root. And until then for it to work when you execute the command "

    npx cap open electron

    ", you must locate the directory of the chrome-sandbox file in the error message where you will have to execute the following two commands:

    sudo chown root: root chrome-sandbox
    sudo chmod 4755 chrome-sandbox

    Generally, here is what I do to use ionic and electron on Kali linux:

    1. npm install ngx-electron electron
    2. npm install electron-packager --save-dev
    3. ionic build
    4. npx cap add electron
    5. ionic build && npx cap copy
    6. npx cap open electron

    You can see here for more explanation: