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ionic angular 8 get component instance

I've tried different ways to get the component instance after creating a modal using ionic and angular, however nothing worked for me. Could you please help me to understand, how can I get a component instance reference after creting a modal? The sample code is listed below:

const modal = await this.modalController.create({
  component: MyCustomComponent,
  cssClass: "some-css-class",
    item: item
  backdropDismiss: false

modal.canDismiss = async (data?: any, roleDismiss?: string) => {
  let can = false;
  return new Promise<boolean>(resolve => resolve(can));

for example, in the canDismiss handler I'd like to verify some actual component instance properties, however I can't seem to find a proper way of doing this. How can I access the MyCustomCompnent instance after creating the modal?

I'm using ionic angular 8, angular 18.1.3


  • create service that used for communicate between modal and parent component

    export class ModalService {
      private modalInstanceSubject = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);
      modalInstance$ = this.modalInstanceSubject.asObservable();
      setModalInstance(instance: any) {;

    In MyCustomComponent, inject ModalService and set instance of the component

    export class MyCustomComponent implements OnInit {
      constructor(private modalService: ModalService) {}
      ngOnInit() {
      // Example property you want to access
      someProperty: boolean = false;

    In parent component where you create modal, inject ModalService and subscribe to modalInstance$ to get instance of the modal

    export class ParentComponent {
      constructor(private modalController: ModalController, private modalService: ModalService) {}
      async openModal() {
        const modal = await this.modalController.create({
          component: MyCustomComponent,
          cssClass: 'some-css-class',
          componentProps: {
            item: 'some item'
          backdropDismiss: false
        this.modalService.modalInstance$.subscribe(instance => {
          if (instance) {
            // Now you can access the instance of MyCustomComponent
            modal.canDismiss = async (data?: any, roleDismiss?: string) => {
              // Access the component instance properties here
              return instance.someProperty;