Thread 1 Main thread
In my MyClient
class we call another service by with restTeamplate
Single<MyObject> methohThaCallAnotherRemoteService() {
return Single.fromCallable( () -> { ...
final ResponseEntity<MyObject> response = restTemplate.postForEntity...
return response.getBody();
.subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()); // to be run on separate threads / scheduler
Then in ClientHttpRequestInterceptorImpl
that is defined as
ClientHttpRequestInterceptorImpl implements org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequestInterceptor {
public ClientHttpResponse intercept(final HttpRequest request, final byte[] body, final ClientHttpRequestExecution execution) { ...
log.info("HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST" + logResponse));
The problem is: That Sleuth creates a separate trace id (trace-id-2) with a span. The the log looks like this:
from main thread:
> INFO [my-app,trace-id-1, span-id-1] [nio-8080-exec-2] ...
from io thread:
> INFO [my-app,trace-id-2, span-id-2,false] 117037 ---
> [readScheduler-2] d.p.i.w.ClientHttpRequestInterceptorImpl :
I would like trace-id-2 to be trace-id-1 so I could trance the request from the main thread to io thread. (otherwise it does not make sense in terms of tracing).
I still want my logger.info()
to be inside the ClientHttpRequestInterceptorImpl
Q: How exactly it could be achieved?
To solve this problem I had to use LazyTraceExecutor
- org.springframework.cloud.sleuth.instrument.async.LazyTraceExecutor
Example of instance -ing it
LazyTraceExecutor lazyTraceExecutor;
void init() {
LazyTraceExecutor lazyTraceExecutor = new LazyTraceExecutor(this.beanFactory,
java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10, threadFactory("Sched-A-%d"))
Then in my RX method that spawns new threads.
Single<MyObject> methohThaCallAnotherRemoteService() {
return Single.fromCallable( () -> { ...
final ResponseEntity<MyObject> response = restTemplate.postForEntity...
return response.getBody();
.subscribeOn(Schedulers.from(lazyTraceExecutor)); // use it
Now I have no problem with spans.