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Code to add points for multiple players in a game

I'm trying to write a simple code to help me keep track of player names and points when playing card games.

import pandas as pd

print('Willkommen zum Punkterechner!')

#asking for number of players 
p_count = int(input("Anzahl der Spieler?: "))
p_list = []
points = [0]*p_count

#asking for name of players in range of number of players 
for i in range(p_count):
    p_name = input('Wie lautet der Name von Spieler ' + str(i+1) + '?: ')

d = {'Spieler': p_list, 'Punkte': points}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

current_round = 1

for i,j in enumerate(p_list):
    points_round = int(input('Punkte für ' + j + ' in Runde ' + str(current_round) + ': '))
    points[i] += points_round


Now I need help finding a way to sum the points for each round/each player. I also want to keep updating the current_round until something like input('Keep Playing?') is 'No'.

Any ideas?

Thank you


  • I would set up your dictionary d to have player IDs as keys, and points as values, like so:

    d = {k: v for k,v in zip(p_list, points)}

    Then when player with ID j 'scores' n points, you can just do d[j] += n

    Here's your game set up that way (you probably know how to do the necessary to print a nice dataframe instead of the raw dictionary in my code). I added some sample code to handle the optional further rounds.

    import pandas as pd
    import operator
    print('Willkommen zum Punkterechner!')
    #asking for number of players 
    p_count = int(input("Anzahl der Spieler?: "))
    p_list = range(1, p_count+1)
    points = [0]*p_count
    d = {k: v for k,v in zip(p_list, points)}
    def play_round(current_round=1):
        for player in d.keys():
            points_round = int(input('Punkte für ' + str(player) + ' in Runde ' + str(current_round) + ': '))
            d[player] += points_round
        if input('Noch ein Spiel?') == 'Nein':
            winner = max(d.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
            print(f'Der Gewinner ist {winner} mit {d[winner]} Punkten!') 