I'm using spring-kafka to consume messages from two Kafka topics, which sends same message format as below.
@KafkaListener(topics = {"topic_country1", "topic_country2"}, groupId = KafkaUtils.MESSAGE_GROUP)
public void onCustomerMessage(String message, Acknowledgment ack) throws Exception {
log.info("Message : {} is received", message);
You can set the concurrency
property to run more threads; but each partition can only be processed by one thread. To increase concurrency you must increase the number of partitions in each topic. When listening to multiple topics in the same listener, if those topics only have one partition, you may not get the concurrency you desire unless you change the kafka consumer partition assignor.
When listening to multiple topics, the default partition distribution may not be what you expect. For example, if you have three topics with five partitions each and you want to use concurrency=15, you see only five active consumers, each assigned one partition from each topic, with the other 10 consumers being idle. This is because the default Kafka PartitionAssignor is the RangeAssignor (see its Javadoc). For this scenario, you may want to consider using the RoundRobinAssignor instead, which distributes the partitions across all of the consumers. Then, each consumer is assigned one topic or partition. ...