I am creating a sync web-extension and I would like to modify the current time of the video.
So I detected the <video>
and I do this for changing the time code:
but netflix automatically put an error on the screen: https://prnt.sc/sm0ro9 and https://prnt.sc/sm0sev
I got the same error with this.video.currentTime=5;
I know that the video.currenttime is working because in screen 1 we can see that netflix send the exact timecode to me.
Does someone know how I can edit the timecode ?
Ok so thanks to Paul I found the answer: I need to inject this code in the page:
const videoPlayer = netflix.appContext.state.playerApp.getAPI().videoPlayer;
const player=videoPlayer.getVideoPlayerBySessionId(videoPlayer.getAllPlayerSessionIds()[0]);
And if I want to seek:
(it go to 18min)
Thanks for help guys.