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About std::unique_prt() and decltype()

What doesstd::unique_ptr<std::FILE, decltype(&close_file)> fp(std::fopen("demo.txt", "r"), &close_file); mean ?

I konw std::uqiue_ptr is an unique pointer. But i could not understand the entire expression.

Could anybody do me a favor?

  void close_file(std::FILE* fp) { std::fclose(fp); }

  std::cout << "Custom deleter demo\n";
  std::ofstream("demo.txt") << 'x'; // prepare the file to read
      std::unique_ptr<std::FILE, decltype(&close_file)> fp(std::fopen("demo.txt", "r"),
      if(fp) // fopen could have failed; in which case fp holds a null pointer
        std::cout << (char)std::fgetc(fp.get()) << '\n';


  • Given void close_file(std::FILE* fp) { std::fclose(fp); }

    decltype(&close_file) is void(*)(stdFILE*) (function pointer).

    You can provide custom deleter to std::unique and it is what is done here:

    std::unique_ptr<std::FILE, decltype(&close_file)> fp(std::fopen("demo.txt", "r"),

    I think it is nicer to have better deleter though:

    struct file_closer
        void operator()(std::FILE* fp) const { std::fclose(fp); }

    or even

    template <auto* func>
    using Functor = std::integral_constant<decltype(func), func>;
    using file_closer = Functor<&std::fclose>;

    used as

    std::unique_ptr<std::FILE, file_closer> fp(std::fopen("demo.txt", "r"));