For exemple, i have this code that i know how to manipulate:
<g id="box">
<path class="st4" d="M893,577H359c-6.6,0-12-5.4-12-12V323c0-6.6,5.4-12,12-12h534c6.6,0,12,5.4,12,12v242
<!--External calls-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="script.js"></script>
i can manipulate the group "box" with this java script object:
const svg = document.getElementById("box");
but what if i do that:
<object data="my_svg.svg"></object>
<!--External calls-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="script.js"></script>
How can i acess the box group that is inside this svg in this object tag?
As long as the SVG is of the same origin as your page, you can access it through the object's contentDocument.
<object data="my_svg.svg" id="box"></object>
document.getElementById("box").contentDocument.children[0] // should be the svg element