I have started moving an app from React to Sapper. I am new to SSR architecture and want to know what the best way is to store the user session and data.
I am using Firebase for my auth and database. After using the client side firebase API to get the session keys and other user data how would I store the data? I have seen some tutorials making a user.js store, but in the Sapper docs I see it recommends using the session store. So which is better? And what would be the flow from client side to the server side session store?
E.g. If I were to make a login folder under which I have the svelte component and the server side route. Would there be a post "endpoint" that would set the session.user?
The best way I have found so far is using JWT's:
Either get a JWT from a third party (Google, facebook, github) or sign your own.
threshold: 0
sirv('static', {
bodyParser.json({strict: false}),
bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }),
async (req, res, next) => {
const token = req.cookies['AUTH']
const profile = token && !dev ? await getBasicUserInfo(token) : false
return sapper.middleware({
session: () => {
return {
authenticated: !!profile,
})(req, res, next)
then with every request just add 'credentials':'include
to your requests to the server.
you will have to verify the token on every request but this method makes you app super scalable