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Using Rcpp to expose a constructor that takes a pointer to an object as a parameter

I have the following very simple code that defines a class B that takes as a parameter a pointer to an object of class A.

The code works perfectly if I compile it as standalone C++, but I haven't been able to expose class B using Rcpp. I must be doing something wrong in the line .constructor<A>() near the end. Have tried all the combinations of &, *, etc. and nothing works. I'm lost after many hours of trying. Any ideas are welcome.

#include <Rcpp.h>

using namespace Rcpp;

class A {
  A(int val_) { val = val_; }
  int val;

class B {
  B(A& ptr_) { ptr = &ptr_; }
  int getval() { return (this->ptr->val); }
  A *ptr;

RCPP_MODULE(module_cpp) {
    using namespace Rcpp;

    .field("val", &A::val)



  • Let's try to be stubborn: Your constructor for B expects a reference to an A, so we should expose it as such, i.e. .constructor<A&>(). Doing so I get the error

    invalid user-defined conversion from ‘SEXP’ {aka ‘SEXPREC*’} to ‘A&’

    Basically we want to create something that's callable within R (the constructor for B), but we can only use SEXP as type for the arguments. And currently it is unknown how to convert between SEXP and A&. This sort of conversion would be the task of Rcpp::as (and Rcpp::wrap for the reverse), which are covered in the Rcpp-extending vignette. For Rcpp Modules, we can take the shortcut provided by RCPP_EXPOSED_AS and friends, c.f. section 2.2.11 in the Rcpp-modules vignette.

    Here a complete example with added verification code:

    #include <Rcpp.h>
    using namespace Rcpp;
    class A {
        A(int val_) { val = val_; }
        int val;
    class B {
        B(A& ptr_) { ptr = &ptr_; }
        int getval() { return (this->ptr->val); }
        A *ptr;
    RCPP_MODULE(module_cpp) {
        using namespace Rcpp;
            .field("val", &A::val)
            .method("getVal", &B::getval)
    a <- new(A, 42)
    b <- new(B, a)


    > Rcpp::sourceCpp('61898230.cpp')
    > a <- new(A, 42)
    > b <- new(B, a)
    > b$getVal()
    [1] 42