I can communicate but I expect to get a list of subtitles in the Object. Here is my code:
public static void makerequest(){
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
XMLRPCClient client = new XMLRPCClient(new URL("https://api.opensubtitles.org/xml-rpc"));
HashMap ed = (HashMap<Object,String>) client.call("LogIn",username,password,"en",useragent);
String Token = (String) ed.get("token");
Map<String, String> videoProperties = new HashMap<>();
videoProperties.put("sublanguageid", "en");
videoProperties.put("imdbid", "528809");
Object[] videoParams = {videoProperties};
Object[] params = {Token, videoParams};
HashMap test2 = (HashMap<Object,String>) client.call("SearchSubtitles",params);
Object[] d = (Object[]) test2.get("data");
Log.d("diditworkstring", String.valueOf(d));
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Any other exception
Log.d("diditworkexception", String.valueOf(ex));
In my log I get the following:
Log: {seconds=0.188, data=[Ljava.lang.Object;@2ec1b40, status=200 OK}
I thought I would see a list of subtitle information. I see that in this response (data=Ljava.Object;@23c1b40). is there something in that Object??
Below is the code that ultimately worked. I don't know the proper terminology but here is my best shot at explaining what I was doing wrong. I was trying to directly look at the Object as a string. After viewing it with Arrays.asList() I was able to see the data. Then each item in the list I cast as Map. After that I was able to get/change anything my heart desired.
Hope this Helps someone some day :)
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
// Setup XMLRPC Client
XMLRPCClient client = new XMLRPCClient(new URL("https://api.opensubtitles.org/xml-rpc"));
HashMap ed = (HashMap<Object,String>) client.call("LogIn",username,password,"en",useragent);
// separate my Token from the reply
String Token = (String) ed.get("token");
// setup Parameters for next call to search for subs
Map<String, String> videoProperties = new HashMap<>();
videoProperties.put("sublanguageid", "en");
videoProperties.put("query", "blade 2");
Object[] videoParams = {videoProperties};
Object[] params = {Token, videoParams};
// Make next call include method and Parameters
java.util.HashMap test2 = (HashMap<String,Array>) client.call("SearchSubtitles",params);
// select data key from test2
Object[] d = (Object[]) test2.get("data");
// change d Object to List
List ee = Arrays.asList(d);
// Grab Map from list
Map xx = (Map) ee.get(1);
Log.d("diditworkstring", String.valueOf(xx.get("ZipDownloadLink")));
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Any other exception
Log.d("diditworkexception", String.valueOf(ex));