I am trying to use Regex to extract title cased phrases and word that occur within the sentences.
Effort so far:
This regex code when applied on the sample sentence below finds those words shown as bold. But I need to ignore words like This and Whether (sentence starters).
Sample Sentence:
This is a Sample Sentence to check the Real Value of this code. Whether it works or Not depends upon the result.
This is a Sample Sentence to check the Real Value of this code. Whether it works or Not depends upon the result.
Useful code:
import regex as re
text='This is a Sample Sentence to check the Real Value of this code. Whether it works or Not depends upon the result. A State Of The Art Technology is needed to do this work.'
rex=r'(?<!^|[.!?]\ )\b[A-Z][a-z]+(?:\ [A-Z][a-z]+)*\b'
matches = re.finditer(rex,text)
results = [match[0] for match in matches]
['Sample Sentence', 'Real Value', 'Not', 'State Of The Art Technology']
Assuming your regex flavor supports Lookbehinds, I would use something like this:
(?<!^|\.\ )\b[A-Z][a-z]+(?:\ [A-Z][a-z]+)*\b
This will support words that are preceded by an abbreviation, punctuation, or pretty much anything other than a period (end of previous sentence).
As per Nick's suggestion in the comments, it's probably better to include !
and ?
in the Lookbehind to support sentences ending with either of them, not just the period:
(?<!^|[.!?]\ )\b[A-Z][a-z]+(?:\ [A-Z][a-z]+)*\b