As part of my project which is an RPN calculator with unlimited precision, I'm trying to write a method to take in a buffer with size of at most 80bytes. Since I wanna support unlimited precision(or at least limited by only the heap size), I wanna take in that buffer and create a pointer that points to the head of a linked list that will represent the number, so for example if the input inside the buffer is : 0x7D12AF
Then the linked list generated by that input will look something like :
[AF, addr1] -addr1->[12, addr2] -addr2-> [7D, addr3] -addr3-> 0
where each link is 5 bytes, 4 for the pointer to the next link, and one byte for the data. Here's my shot at it, I'd take any suggestion since I'm really not sure about what I'm doing: (assume atoi takes in a hex digit and converts it to a numeric value)
`section .bss
ptr: resb 5
section .data
setcion .text
align 16
extern malloc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ecx, [ebp+8]
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+8]
xor eax, eax
cmp [ecx], 20h
jle .done
inc ecx
inc eax
jmp .loop
pop ecx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov edx, [ebp+8] ; pointer to the first byte in the number_string
push edx ; push function argument
call _buffersize ; eax now holds the size of the buffer
add esp, 4 ; clean up stack after call
mov ecx, eax ; count for the loop
pushad ; allocate 5 bytes for a node : 4 for a next ptr, 1 for data
push 5
call malloc ; eax now points to the 5 bytes allocated
add esp, 4 ; clean up stack after call to malloc
mov [ptr], eax ; now ptr points to the address in memory of the 5 allocated bytes
push [edx] ; push the first byte pointed to by edx as an argument for atoi (atoi converts a signle HEX digit to it's numeric value)
call _atoi
add esp, 4 ; eax now holds the numeric value of that 1 byte character
mov ebx, [ptr] ; ebx points to the allocated memory
mov [ebx], dword 0 ; the address of the next link is NULL as we're insterting at the head of the lsit
mov [ebx], byte eax ; hopefully, ebx should now points to 5 bytes in memory of the form [b4b3b2b1b0] where b4b3b2b1 is the address of the next link & b0 is a 0 <= number <16
mov [ptr], ebx ; now ptr points to the address of the newly updated linked list representing the number
inc edx ; get ready to read next byte
loop .loop
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
also another question I have is : is there a way to store number in its hex representation? I think it's kind of a stupid question because the representation is just how I look at it but the value is the same .. so converting a hex digit ASCII representation to an int is just the same, and to make hex I should just treat it that way when converting from char to int and vice versa.. please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!
4 for the pointer to the next link, and one byte for the data
So your proposed format only uses 20% of the space for actual data. Actually much less than that because malloc
has internal overhead, and each allocation will be at least 8 byte aligned, maybe 16. So you're wasting at least 7/8th or 15/16th of your memory / cache footprint, and more when you include malloc
See this for more about why it's terrible and what you should do instead, and also an implementation for adding linked lists with 1 hex digit (4 bits) per node, instead of your proposed 8 bits (2 hex digits).
Use an array, use realloc
if you need to grow it. This lets you add in 32 or 64-bit chunks (in 64-bit mode). If you want, save realloc
calls by allocating extra space like C++ std::vector
does, tracking allocated vs. in-use space separately.
Arrays are easier and more efficient to loop over.
Is there a way to store number in its hex representation? I think it's kind of a stupid question because the representation is just how I look at it but the value is the same
ASCII hex is a serialization format for numbers; it uses two ASCII bytes per 8 bits (2 nibbles) of data. See How to convert a binary integer number to a hex string? for how you convert a binary integer to a hex string.
To do the reverse, converting from hex to a binary integer in a register, you can convert a digit and to total = (total<<4) | digit
. Where digit
is an integer in the 0..15 range. Given an ASCII character, you can subtract '0'
and branch on the result being > 9, and if so subtract 'A'
For arbitrary-length hex input, you can start at the end of a buffer and convert 2 hex digits to a byte, store it in the buffer and decrement the pointer.
(If the input ends up being an odd number of hex digits, this is a problem because you want the start of your number to be aligned to a byte boundary. So if you know the length of the hex string, use that to decide whether to start by converting the first digit by itself or not. Or if you have a pointer to the end, you could read digits backwards.
Prefer explicit-length strings / buffers for handling ASCII digits, so you know how many digits you have in the first place, without having to loop through looking for a 0
byte as the terminator of a C implicit-length string.)