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How do we put labels on pie chart arcs - chart.js/vue-chart.js

I am using VueChart js/ chart js to create a pie chart in my vue project, I would like to show % of data inside the each arcs, how do we do it? My code in Vue:

fillData() {
  this.datacollection = {
    labels: ['T', 'W', 'R', 'B'],
    datasets: [
        backgroundColor: [
        data: [
        hoverBackgroundColor: ['#0275d8', '#f0ad4e', '#5cb85c', '#d9534f'],
  this.options = {
    responsive: true,
    maintainAspectRatio: false,
    devicePixelRatio: 2,
    tooltips: {
      enabled: true,
    title: {
      display: true,
      text: 'Arcs state %',
      position: 'bottom',
      fontSize: 20,

UPDATE I tried the plugin recommended by @zb22 and this but it's not working. I did install the plugin through npm

 this.options = {
    plugins: {
      labels: {
        render: 'percentage',
        fontColor: ['white', 'white', 'white'],
        precision: 2,

I have something like below, and it shows data only when I hove over each arc

enter image description here

My aim is to display my chart as below:

enter image description here


  • Chart js supported plugins page does have a solution for it, it is this plugin chartjs-plugin-datalabels . Make sure you import the module in main.js as like

    import labels from 'chartjs-plugin-datalabels';

    and then


    and update your Vue page :

    this.options = {
        plugins: {
          labels: [
              render: 'value',

    Update: A easier to use module/plugin as mentioned by @zb22 is plugin chartjs-plugin-labels

    If you are using vue just import it in your Vue component like

    import 'chartjs-plugin-labels';

    and use it like

     this.options = {
        plugins: {
          labels: [
              render: 'percentage',
              fontColor: ['green', 'white', 'red'],
              precision: 2,