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How do I set the $edgeAgents schema number on a Create Deployment

When I create an "IoT device configuration" for deployment to multiple edge devices I can see the deployment "Configuration Details" which look ok.

However when i actually go to make a deployment it appears to set the schema of the $edgeAgent to 1,0 not 1.0 (note the comma)


        "modulesContent": {
            "$edgeAgent": {
                "properties.desired": {
                    "modules": {},
                    "runtime": {
                        "settings": {
                            "minDockerVersion": "v1.25"
                        "type": "docker"
                    "schemaVersion": "1,0",

on the documentation it says that the schemaVersion: Has to be "1.0"

When I deploy the device configuration it seems to continually come back with an IoTEdge status of

412 -- The deployment configuration schema version is invalid

I cant seem to find where I can change the property to be the correct value

Any ideas?


  • Sorry for the inconvenience caused, this is now fixed. Please continue/try creating New IoT Edge deployment from Azure portal-->IoT Hub and leave a comment here if you need further help on this matter. Thanks for your patience.