I am trying to build one application to get the update package Msi file from azure IOT hub to device using device updater service I found one package azure.iot.devices where I can import updates and monitor it but I didn’t get the simulator code how can I get the update package files in device …need help or some inputs how I can achieve this.
Using resources provided by Ms-Doc and Ms-Doc1, I successfully imported a new update into IoT Hub.
using Azure.IoT.DeviceUpdate
package we can work with the updater agent in c#.
Azure Device Update for IoT Hub client library for .NET
Refer this git of using Azure.IoT.DeviceUpdate
with C#.
Using REST API for Azure Device Update. you use rest api with c# as well.
Ensure that the IoT Hub Data Contributor role appears under Role Assignments after selecting Azure Device Update.
To search for "Azure Device Update," use the selection options for User, Group, or Service Principal.
Select 'Devices' from the left pane, then choose 'Add Device'.
Select 'Add Module Identity', and then enter a name for the module in the 'Module Identity Name' field.
In the twin file, alongside the model ID and version tags, insert a new tag for Device Update with the following value:
"tags": {
"ADUGroup": "DU-simulator-tutorial"
Choose the 'Upload' option in your container, then proceed to the files required. After selecting the adu-update-image-raspberrypi3.swu and TutorialImportManifest_Sim.importmanifest.json files, click on 'Upload' to proceed.
After selecting "Check the Status" in Groups and Deployments.