With the latest releases of Spring Boot 2.3.0
, spring-graalvm-native 0.7.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
, GraalVM 20.1.0.r11
and the corresponding blog posts
I also started to play around with one of my apps.
Luckily I was able to compile my app without any big hurdles. My compile.sh
script looks as follows
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "[-->] Detect artifactId from pom.xml"
ARTIFACT=$(mvn -q \
-Dexec.executable=echo \
-Dexec.args='${project.artifactId}' \
--non-recursive \
echo "artifactId is '$ARTIFACT'"
echo "[-->] Detect artifact version from pom.xml"
VERSION=$(mvn -q \
-Dexec.executable=echo \
-Dexec.args='${project.version}' \
--non-recursive \
echo "artifact version is '$VERSION'"
echo "[-->] Detect Spring Boot Main class ('start-class') from pom.xml"
MAINCLASS=$(mvn -q \
-Dexec.executable=echo \
-Dexec.args='${start-class}' \
--non-recursive \
echo "Spring Boot Main class ('start-class') is '$MAINCLASS'"
echo "[-->] Cleaning target directory & creating new one"
rm -rf target
mkdir -p target/native-image
echo "Packaging $ARTIFACT with Maven"
mvn -ntp package > target/native-image/output.txt
echo "[-->] Expanding the Spring Boot fat jar"
echo "Unpacking $JAR"
cd target/native-image
jar -xvf ../$JAR >/dev/null 2>&1
cp -R META-INF BOOT-INF/classes
LIBPATH=`find BOOT-INF/lib | tr '\n' ':'`
GRAALVM_VERSION=`native-image --version`
echo "Compiling $ARTIFACT with $GRAALVM_VERSION"
{ time native-image \
--verbose \
--no-server \
--no-fallback \
--enable-all-security-services \
-Dspring.native.remove-unused-autoconfig=true \
-Dspring.native.remove-yaml-support=true \
-Dspring.native.remove-xml-support=true \
-Dspring.native.remove-spel-support=true \
-Dspring.native.remove-jmx-support=true \
-cp $CP $MAINCLASS >> output.txt ; } 2>> output.txt
if [[ -f $ARTIFACT ]]
printf "${GREEN}SUCCESS${NC}\n"
mv ./$ARTIFACT ..
exit 0
cat output.txt
printf "${RED}FAILURE${NC}: an error occurred when compiling the native-image.\n"
exit 1
But now my troubles start: My app relies on some CSVs during startup to load data. The data is loaded like this
InputStream is = CSVUtil.class.getResourceAsStream("/myData.csv");
The file is present at /src/main/resources/myData.csv
As said the compilation works without an issue but once I start the app it can't find the CSV.
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at java.io.Reader.<init>(Reader.java:167) ~[na:na]
at java.io.InputStreamReader.<init>(InputStreamReader.java:113) ~[na:na]
at ch.aaap.raw.CSVUtil.getData(CSVUtil.java:33) ~[na:na]
It seems that it's not part of the compilation. Any hints how I can make the native-image
command aware about the fact that I need these CSVs?
Looks like adding following argument helps