Search code examples

Kendo MVVM with external search box and keypress

I have some code that has an external search box for a Kendo UI Grid. It's similar to the example here, however, it makes use of typescript using Kendo MVVM.

The HTML code has an input search box and button class as follows

    <div style="display:block;width:100%;padding:5px;">
        <input style="width:70%;height:30px;" id="searchvalue" />
        <button class="km-small" data-icon="search" belongsto="searchvalue" data-role="button" data-bind="events : {click: filterLocations }"></button>

The button press is wired to the filterLocations() typescript function through the data-bind. I want to enable the enter keypress in the search button to do call the filterLocations() method as well as clicking the button.

I can follow a similar approach to keydown or keypress event, e.g.

$("#searchvalue").on("keypress", function(event){               
    if (event.keyCode === 13) {


However, I want to invoke the same filterLocations() using the text I've typed in the search box.


  • You can bind the keypress event the same way you bind click event:

    <input type="text" class="k-textbox" data-bind="events: { keypress: onKeyPress }"></input>
    var viewModel = kendo.observable({
        onKeyPress: function(e){
        onClick: function(e) {

    Example: Key press event