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Cannot assign value of type '()' to type 'UIView?'

I created a view for reuse. My plan is this: Show the same thing on ViewController with different content depending on the type. On view, you need to change the Label and background.The data comes from the server, for this I created the ViewModel. Depending on the type, I return the Label content and background color.


  class SomeViewModel{
        enum ViewType: Int {
            case oneViewType
            case twoViewType
          func getViewBackgroundColor() -> UIColor {
                switch ViewType {
                case .oneViewType:
                    return .black
                case .twoViewType :
                    return .white


class ViewControllerViewModel{

    var viewType: ViewType? = nil

    func getViewType(type: viewType)  {

        switch type {
        case .oneViewType:
        case .twoViewType:


 class SomeViewController: UIViewController {

        @IBOutlet weak var oneView:UIView!
        @IBOutlet weak var twoView:UIView!

      var viewModel: SomeViewModel!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

    func configure(viewModel: ViewControllerViewModel) {
        self.viewModel = viewModel

   //ERROR : Cannot assign value of type '()' to type 'UIView?'
    oneView = self.SomeViewModel.getViewType(type: .oneViewType)

Error: Cannot assign value of type '()' to type 'UIView?'


  • I don't know what you are doing, after correct your code to works. It should be look like this :

    enum ViewType: Int {
        case oneViewType
        case twoViewType
        func getViewBackgroundColor() -> UIColor {
        switch self {
            case ViewType.oneViewType:
                return .black
        case ViewType.twoViewType :
                return .white
    class SomeViewModel{
        var type : ViewType
        init(type : ViewType) {
            self.type = type
    class ViewControllerViewModel{
    var viewType: ViewType? = nil
    func getViewType(type: ViewType)  {
        switch type {
        case .oneViewType:
        case .twoViewType:
    class WalletsViewModel : SomeViewModel {

    But i still not know what you want to assign viewOne : UIView = getType(ViewType) which return an Int