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Spigot | ClassCastException cannot Cast as chest

why is is saying cannot cast the block as a chest? i created it before...

Could not pass event PlayerDeathEvent to FactionsCSN v1.0-SNAPSHOT
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.block.CraftBlock cannot be cast to org.bukkit.block.Chest
        at creepans.factions.dims.GhostDimListener.onPlayerDeath(

Here you see, first Set Type to Chest and then the block at the same position have to be a chest

Chest crate = (Chest) world.getBlockAt(loc);


  • You need to cast the block state to Chest, not the block itself. Try Chest crate = (Chest) world.getBlockAt(loc).getState(); instead.