I've been trying to develop an app which fetches certain information of a book from Google Books API (name, author and image) and display the image inside a collection view
var bookInfo = [Book]()
let urlString = "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/J8ahqXjUhAAC"
override func awakeFromNib() {
collectionView.delegate = self
collectionView.dataSource = self
let url = URL(string: urlString)
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!) { (data, response, error) in
do {
self.bookInfo = try JSONDecoder().decode([Book].self, from: data!)
for info in self.bookInfo {
catch {
Below is a struct which represents the contents I'm trying to capture but not sure if this is entirely correct.
struct Book: Codable {
var bookName: String
var imageURL: String
var pageCount: Int
var author: String
var format: String
struct volumeInfo: Codable {
var bookInfo: [Book]
When running this code, I don't get any errors but the app is unable to fetch anything and my UIImageView
is empty.
The Book
struct you are using wouldn't work because it doesn't match the JSON response. This is the entire struct but, you can remove keys(properties) that are not required and it would still work:
struct Book: Codable {
let kind, id, etag, selfLink: String
let volumeInfo: VolumeInfo
let saleInfo: SaleInfo
let accessInfo: AccessInfo
struct AccessInfo: Codable {
let country, viewability: String
let embeddable, publicDomain: Bool
let textToSpeechPermission: String
let epub, pdf: Epub
let webReaderLink, accessViewStatus: String
let quoteSharingAllowed: Bool
struct Epub: Codable {
let isAvailable: Bool
struct SaleInfo: Codable {
let country, saleability: String
let isEbook: Bool
struct VolumeInfo: Codable {
let title: String
let authors: [String]
let publisher, publishedDate, description: String
let industryIdentifiers: [IndustryIdentifier]
let readingModes: ReadingModes
let pageCount, printedPageCount: Int
let dimensions: Dimensions
let printType: String
let categories: [String]
let averageRating: Double
let ratingsCount: Int
let maturityRating: String
let allowAnonLogging: Bool
let contentVersion: String
let panelizationSummary: PanelizationSummary
let imageLinks: ImageLinks
let language, previewLink, infoLink, canonicalVolumeLink: String
struct Dimensions: Codable {
let height, width, thickness: String
struct ImageLinks: Codable {
let smallThumbnail, thumbnail: String
struct IndustryIdentifier: Codable {
let type, identifier: String
struct PanelizationSummary: Codable {
let containsEpubBubbles, containsImageBubbles: Bool
struct ReadingModes: Codable {
let text, image: Bool