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How to link StepDefination classes from Classpath (jar) in Cucumber IntelliJ Plugin

I would like to use existing step definition classes coming from maven jar dependency.

My cucumber tests works if ran from Runner Class (with glue to packages) & mvn CLI. But the problem is with IntelliJ Cucumber plugin for the steps which are coming from jar. In feature file steps that I am using from the jar are shown as "Undefined step reference:...". I am not even able to run directly from feature file.

Is there a way I can configure cucumber plugin to use stepdefinations from classloader/jar?


  • Posting the solution worked for Me:

    • Use IntelliJ 2020.1 +
    • In cucumber run configuration : select jar manifest for classpath
    • Deploy the Jar with source jar as well to Nexus as below

    You can simple do this by adding maven-source-plugin plugin to your build

    • In other project add dependency and confirm source is downloaded from repo

    File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> Select the Artifact -> Sources , Make sure it's not in red.

    • Update IntelliJ to use latest version, for me IntelliJ version 2019 did not work but 2020.1 was able to find the step definitions.

    PS: I use Java8 with Lambda exp and I can confirm it works.