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Dynamic URL PDF is displayed as "No Preview Available" in WebView

Only after visiting almost all Stack Overflow links for the same answer, I was compelled to write this,

I am trying to display a PDF file in the WebView. I am aware that WebView doesn't support displaying PDF normally so I am using the G-Drive URL extension suggested in other answers. Also, the Business team has demanded to open the PDF in our App itself so I can't fire an Intent to other PDF Viewer. I downloaded the PdfViewer library but it increased the APK size far beyond desire.

This URL is actually a GET request. Every time I hit the request, depending on the request parameters the server generates the PDF at runtime and returns it immediately without storing it on the server.


"http://server_ip_number/pata/retail/v4/reports_pdf?search=Test&min_amount=0.0&max_amount=0.0" (can't disclose IP address for security reasons)

This request also demands some headers for auth, which I'll post below in detail.

This is what I am doing currently;

class AllUsersWebViewActivity : BaseActivity() {

    private val pdfActualUrl = ""

    //This random dummy URL opens perfectly, it does not need any headers or GET params, just normal `loadUrl()` works.
    private val workingDummyUrl = ""

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        wv_web.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
        wv_web.loadUrl(URLEncoder.encode(pdfUrl, "ISO-8859-1"), mapOf( //map of necessary headers 
                "Authorization" to "Auth_TOKEN",
                "VersionId" to "1.0.0",
                "companyID" to "2",
                "DeviceId" to "my_device_id",
                "token" to "SECURE_TOKEN"


  1. When I hit the above mentioned GET request with headers and params on PostMan it immediately downloads the PDF file.

  2. I tried the same GET request with DownloadManager with all the headers and params the PDF file is downloaded successfully

But when I try it with WebView it just shows No Preview Available.

What am I doing wrong?


  • The headers that you are supplying, at most, will affect the behavior of Google's Web server for the request. Google is not going to pass those along to some other server for http://server_ip_number/pata/retail/v4/reports_pdf.