I'm trying to create a cronjob in Hybris 1811 which updates an attribute on some products in both Staged and Online catalog versions.
However, even when I make the exact same change to the product in both versions of the catalog, the product is then marked as desynchronized between versions in Backoffice.
When I make the change in the online catalog only, the product is not desynchronized, but any sync from staged to online overwrites the changed.
productStaged = productService.getProductForCode(stagedCatalog, productCode);
productOnline = productService.getProductForCode(onlineCatalog, productCode);
if (productStaged != null) {
productStaged.setMargin(margin, locale);
if (productOnline != null) {
productOnline.setMargin(margin, locale);
Is there a way to make this job possible without causing the product to seem desynchronized in Backoffice?
Thank you!
The correct way is to make the changes in Staged, and sync from Staged to Online. You shouldn't be editing both catalog versions. Online is ideally read-only.
To sync a list of items, check the CatalogSynchronizationService API: https://help.sap.com/doc/02d5152884b34821a06408495ba0b771/1905/en-US/de/hybris/platform/catalog/synchronization/CatalogSynchronizationService.html#performSynchronization(java.util.List,de.hybris.platform.catalog.model.SyncItemJobModel,de.hybris.platform.catalog.synchronization.SyncConfig)