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How to consume Jenkins API Rest in Google Kubernetes Engine from external clients

I want to try out continuous deployment with Jenkins on Google Kubernetes Engine. Of course, by using the Jenkins API Rest.

I have gone through

I got Jenkins running. The problem is with regard to the Jenkins API Rest when I try to consume it by using Postman or curl. I'm prompted to Sign in to continue to Google Cloud Shell.

By using curl

curl -X GET\?pretty\=true --user USER:TOKEN

<a href=";;response_type=code&amp;;state=eyJYU1JGVG9rZW4iOiJYUEljQkFETS1uVVFaMndLaF9uMjFvRUhENW86MTU4OTY3NDUzMDE3OSIsIkFwcFVSTCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vODA4MC1kb3QtMzgyODMxNi1kb3QtZGV2c2hlbGwuYXBwc3BvdC5jb20vam9iL2Rldi5jaS9hcGkvanNvbj9wcmV0dHk9dHJ1ZSJ9">Found</a>.

In Postman

enter image description here

In incognito window

enter image description here


  • My problem was related to the fact that I didn't expose the service properly. I was using the preview URL that Google provides you. So I had to follow the architecture shown here: I had to expose my jenkins ui as a NodePort and learn about ingress.