I have to work on a certain set of limitations for csv file upload :
Wrapper C# Code :
using (var stream = File.OpenRead("C:\~~~\~~~\~~~\SampleFile.csv"))
//CSV Header removal snippet - which gives me a new stream containing data without headers.
//All my stream handling code of chunking stream into 100mb and then uploading each chunk to azure storage (which is not part of this question)
Now I already know - that I can simply remove headers of a csv file using libraries like - CSVHelper
(How to exclude header when writing data to CSV)
Using the above way I can create a header-less copy of a file and read the new file back as FileStream - but the problem is that I'm dealing with large files and making a copy of a file just to remove headers will be a space-consuming job.
So for the first time - I am asking a question in StackOverflow - to find a good solution to the above problem. I hope I was able to explain the problem clearly.
This should work to seek to the end of the first line.
using (var stream = File.OpenRead("~~filepath~~"))
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
string line = null;
if ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
stream.Position = line.Length + 2;
// The 2 is for NewLine(\r\n)
//All my stream handling code of chunking stream into 100mb and then uploading each chunk to azure storage (which is not part of this question)