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Lambda Expression + pySpark

Am trying to compare a column in spark DataFrame against a given date, if column date is less than given date add n hour else add x hours.

something like

addhours = lambda x,y: X + 14hrs if (x < y) else X + 10hrs

where y will hold a static date specified then apply on DataFrame column

something like

df = df.withColumn("newDate", checkDate(df.Time, F.lit('2015-01-01') ))

here is sample for df

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
import datetime
df = spark.createDataFrame([('America/NewYork', '2020-02-01 10:00:00'),('Africa/Nairobi', '2020-02-01 10:00:00')],["OriginTz", "Time"])

Am bit new to spark dataframes :)


  • Use when+othewise statement instead of udf.


    from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    #we are casting to timestamp and date so that we can compare in when
    df = spark.createDataFrame([('America/NewYork', '2020-02-01 10:00:00'),('Africa/Nairobi', '2003-02-01 10:00:00')],["OriginTz", "Time"]).\
    #|       OriginTz|               Time|   literal|
    #|America/NewYork|2020-02-01 10:00:00|2015-01-01|
    #| Africa/Nairobi|2003-02-01 10:00:00|2015-01-01|
    #using unix_timestamp function converting to epoch time then adding 10*3600 -> 10 hrs finally converting to timestamp format
    df.withColumn("new_date",F.when(F.col("Time") > F.col("literal"),F.to_timestamp(F.unix_timestamp(F.col("Time"),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')  + 10 * 3600)).\
        otherwise(F.to_timestamp(F.unix_timestamp(F.col("Time"),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')  + 14 * 3600))).\
    #|       OriginTz|               Time|   literal|           new_date|
    #|America/NewYork|2020-02-01 10:00:00|2015-01-01|2020-02-01 20:00:00|
    #| Africa/Nairobi|2003-02-01 10:00:00|2015-01-01|2003-02-02 00:00:00|

    In case if you don't want to add literal value as dataframe column.

    df = spark.createDataFrame([('America/NewYork', '2020-02-01 10:00:00'),('Africa/Nairobi', '2003-02-01 10:00:00')],["OriginTz", "Time"]).\
    df.withColumn("new_date",F.when(F.col("Time") > F.lit(lit_val).cast("date"),F.to_timestamp(F.unix_timestamp(F.col("Time"),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')  + 10 * 3600)).\
        otherwise(F.to_timestamp(F.unix_timestamp(F.col("Time"),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')  + 14 * 3600))).\
    #|       OriginTz|               Time|   literal|           new_date|
    #|America/NewYork|2020-02-01 10:00:00|2015-01-01|2020-02-01 20:00:00|
    #| Africa/Nairobi|2003-02-01 10:00:00|2015-01-01|2003-02-02 00:00:00|