I am developing a web app and hosted all files on Firebase Hosting.
I want when someone type this URL
mydomain.com/SomeUsername //SomeUsername is URL Variable
it should open this URL
mydomain.com/user/index.html?user=SomeUsername //SomeUsername is URL Variable
I tried this but not working, Its redirecting to 404 Page Not Found.
"hosting": {
"public": "public",
"ignore": [
"rewrites": [ {
"source": "/user/index.html?user=:SomeUsername*",
"destination": "mydomain.com/:SomeUsername*",
"type": 301
I found other solution, When I type mydomain.com/SomeUsername
It will redirect me to 404.html which is obvious this page is not available. I edited 404.html to redirect to actual page.
<!DOCTYPE html>
const currentUrl = window.location.href;
var a = document.createElement('a')
var uname = a.pathname.replace('/','')
window.location = "https://yourdomain/user/index.html?username="+uname;
and in user/index.html page
if(history.replaceState) history.replaceState({}, "", "/username");
just to show url look like this mydomain.com/username