I cannot find a way to subtract data in my named ranges.
I have created three named ranges in VBA according to the following screen:
I have three named ranges. What I am trying to do is to create ONE named range consisting of Data_1 and Data_2 and then subtract Data_3 from it.
I have tried something like this:
Thisworkbook.names.add Name:="Data1and2", RefersTo:="=(" & Data_1 & "," & Data_2 & ")"
Thisworkbook.names.add Name:="FinalResult", RefersTo:="=" & Data1and2 & "-" & Data_3
This seems to be working, no error whatsoever, but the result is a blank array of 0's. When I subtract, for example, Data_3 from Data_1 (so no combined ranges) then it is working fine, but as soon as I combine two ranges into one named range, it stops working.
I have also tried to reference the ranges directly, not by name but address but it does not work either.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I have changed the picture to show the problem better. The ranges Data_1 and Data_2 might not be adjacent and continuous, that is what makes this issue problematic for me. I need to somehow combine them into one range. One of those ranges can also be in one column, while the other will be in one row (transposed).
To create FinalResult
in VBA, assuming your three Data ranges already exist:
.Add Name:="FinalResult", RefersTo:="=Data_1:Data_2-Data_3"
Which is the same formula you would enter doing it manually on the worksheet.
In your revised question, you now have non-contiguous ranges, also possibly of different shapes, for data_1 and data_2.
If you have a modern version of windows desktop Excel, with the TEXTJOIN
functions, you can use the following formula:
FinalResult Refers To: =FILTERXML("<t><s>" & TEXTJOIN("</s><s>",TRUE,Data_1,Data_2) & "</s></t>","//s")-Data_3
If Data_3
does not have the same number of cells as do Data_1
and Data_2
, errors will be returned, which you can test for.
So, your relevant code snippet would be:
RefersTo:= "=FILTERXML(""<t><s>"" & TEXTJOIN(""</s><s>"",TRUE,Data_1,Data_2) & ""</s></t>"",""//s"")-Data_3"
RefersTo:= "=IFERROR(FILTERXML(""<t><s>"" & TEXTJOIN(""</s><s>"",TRUE,Data_1,Data_2) & ""</s></t>"",""//s"")-Data_3,"""")"