I am trying to access rest end point which will return response with mediatype "application/x-ndjson" header. How to consume this endpoint with spring 5 Webclient? Will it work if I set media type to "application/stream+json" in Spring 5 WebClient ?
You should be able to create your own Jackson2JsonDecoder
with all the media types you'd like to support (including this specific mediatype).
Something like:
Jackson2JsonDecoder jsonDecoder = new Jackson2JsonDecoder(Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder.json().build(),
new MimeType("application", "json"), new MimeType("application", "x-ndjson"));
And then configure this decoder directly in the WebClient while building it:
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder().codecs(codecs -> codecs.defaultCodecs().jackson2JsonDecoder(jsonDecoder)).build();
If you're using Spring Boot, you can achieve all that with:
public class JsonConfiguration {
public CodecCustomizer ndJsonCustomizer(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
Jackson2JsonDecoder jsonDecoder = new Jackson2JsonDecoder(objectMapper,
new MimeType("application", "json"), new MimeType("application", "x-ndjson"));
return codecs -> codecs.defaultCodecs().jackson2JsonDecoder(jsonDecoder);
In the future, you might not need to do that since the Spring Framework team is considering ndjson support out-of-the-box to replace stream+json.