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why router link not work although I use same link to component as href and it work?

I work on angular 7 app my issue is routing not working when use routerLink but it work when use href .

I make href link have parameter value report id

<a href="/pages/report/reportdetails?id={{subrep.reportID}}">

result working routing


when use router link in same place of href i do as below :

<a [routerLink]="['/pages/report/reportdetails/id=,subrep.reportID']"> 

result not working routing as url generated below


app routing module :


How to solve issue ?

I need router link make routing exactly same as href ?

Result of first thread as below :

result code you do for routing is


but i need it as


so what i change


  • You passing the property subrep.reportID as a string , that why it navigate to the result you see. Try this:

    <a [routerLink]="['/pages/report/reportdetails', subrep.reportID ]"> 

    If you want to add id as a query params, the syntax for it is [queryParams]="{queryparam: value}":

    <a [routerLink]="['/pages/report/reportdetails']" [queryParams]="{id: subrep.reportID}" >

    You can read more about RouterLink APIs here