I have the following Feign Client:
public interface MyServiceClient {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/item/{itemKey}")
Item getItem (@PathVariable("itemKey") String itemKey);
The items can contains special characters like :
or ::
which are being encoded.
Request URL becomes something like:
Rather than:
Can anyone help me understand how can we fix this issue?
OpenFeign has an issue tracking:
Guess it will be implemented by spring-cloud-feign
once its done.
Meanwhile, my workaround for this issue is to create a RequestInterceptor
and replace %3A
with :
public class MyRequestInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
template.uri(template.path().replaceAll("%3A", ":"));
And use this requestInterceptor
to build your feignClient
in the feignConfig
public Feign.Builder tcsClientBuilder() {
return Feign.builder().requestInterceptor(new MyRequestInterceptor());