var params = {
QueueUrl: sqsEndPoint + compInfoQueName,
AttributeNames: [All],
MaxNumberOfMessages: '5',
MessageAttributeNames: [],
ReceiveRequestAttemptId: "",
VisibilityTimeout: '15',
WaitTimeSeconds: '10'
sqs.receiveMessage(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack);
else return data;
Got this from AWS website
I have all the params set and can get a response on an html page using:";
But I am wanting to integrate this into a node.js project
I am new to javascript, in java I would just import the AWS object and call a method in a function ie.
function... {json response = sqs.receive... }
How do I use the code at the top in JS?
How do I set a string object to a result from receive with the code example?
I just want to set a field in an html page to the received sqs message
textarea.value = myMessageFromAWS
Since you come from Java the callbacks are not very intuitive.
I'd recommend you to use the async/await approach so the code looks more linear, like this:
async function main () {
var params = {
QueueUrl: sqsEndPoint + compInfoQueName,
AttributeNames: [All],
MaxNumberOfMessages: '5',
MessageAttributeNames: [],
ReceiveRequestAttemptId: "",
VisibilityTimeout: '15',
WaitTimeSeconds: '10'
try {
// this will be your data received from sqs
const data = await sqs.receiveMessage(params).promise()
// prints to stdout
} catch(err) {
// prints to stderr
console.error(err, err.stack);
// Because this is not Java you have to call this function explicitly