Search code examples

Pulling text and count of specific text from a different sheet using importrange

I have a Google sheet containing a 'Notes' column and i would like to import the notes from those cells into another sheet and count how many times a certain word or phrase occurs. I would like for the words/phrases to appear in the same cell separated by a comma. So for example a cell in the import sheet would look like "1 Initiated, 3 Completed, 2 Needs more information, 1 Pending". There is a set number of words/phrases which could be in the Notes column.

Import From Import To


  • try:

     QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1dnpQQX0YA-_BCxmcfpWYhkLupLPVarP_-C7RSKdpvJ0", "Sheet1!A2:B"),
     "select count(Col2) where Col2 is not null group by Col2 pivot Col1"), 
     QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1dnpQQX0YA-_BCxmcfpWYhkLupLPVarP_-C7RSKdpvJ0", "Sheet1!A2:B"),
     "select count(Col2) where Col2 is not null group by Col2 pivot Col1")&" "&INDEX(
     QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1dnpQQX0YA-_BCxmcfpWYhkLupLPVarP_-C7RSKdpvJ0", "Sheet1!A2:B"),
     "select Col2,count(Col2) where Col2 is not null group by Col2 pivot Col1"),,1)&",", )
     ,,99^99))), " , ", "♦"), ",$", ), "♦"), 2, 0), "Not Data"))
