I have this jOOQ select that depending on a parameter value the where
condition should be either equal or not equal to a value:
if parameter = true:
Charts c = CHARTS.as("c");
.where(c.CHART_TYPE.eq(100)) // note the eq
if parameter = false:
Charts c = CHARTS.as("c");
.where(c.CHART_TYPE.ne(100)) // note the ne
I don't want to repeat the entire select (in many cases is more complex/longer than the example). Is there a way to only set the where
condition depending on a parameter and then insert it into the select?
Yes that's not a problem you can create a method that returns a Condition object.
For example
Charts c = CHARTS.as("c");
private Condition createCondition(Charts c) {
if (parameter == false) {
return c.CHART_TYPE.ne(100);
} else {
return c.CHART_TYPE.eq(100);