I wanted to create a kotlin library for android that contains a few top-level functions.
I've created an android library project.
I've added a few top-level functions and a few classes
// filename TestMethodFirst.kt
fun testMethodFirst() {}
// filename TestClass.kt
class TestClass() {}
I've built the library with the ./gradlew build
I've included this library to another project as an aar library
The classes from the library were resolved and imported without a problem. The top-level functions were unresolved so they couldn't be used. I've tried to add import manually but it wasn't working either. When I tried to use top-level functions from the java, as a static method execution, then it was working.
This doesn't work
// filename Test1.kt
fun test1() {
This works
// filename Test2.kt
fun test1() {
This works
// filename Test3.java
class Test {
void test() {
I've tried it with the AS 4.1 Canary 7 and with AS 3.6.2
Attachments contain the library project and the aar library
For Android Studio 4.1 Canary, this is a known bug, until Canary 9, fixed in Canary 10. Based on this comment, try adding:
android {
packagingOptions {
excludes -= "/META-INF/*.kotlin_module"
That worked for me, and a more permanent fix is slated for Canary 10.