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Can't figure out the bug in this code

So I'm doing one of the Princeton exercises here: and I've fully tested by LFSR class with the data that has been provided, so I'm sure I haven't gone wrong there. However, my PhotoMagic class yields an encrypted photo of the pipe as below: Encrypted photo of the Pipe image

This is not how it should appear. Any idea as to where my code has gone awry?

import java.awt.Color;

public class PhotoMagic 
    private LFSR lfsr;

public static void main(String args[])
    new PhotoMagic("src/pictures/shield.png","01101000010100010000",16);


public PhotoMagic(String imageName,String binaryPassword,int tap)
    Picture pic = new Picture(imageName);
    lfsr = new LFSR(binaryPassword,tap);

    for (int x = 0; x < pic.width(); x++) 
        for (int y = 0; y < pic.height(); y++) 
            Color color = pic.get(x, y);
            int red = color.getRed();
            int blue = color.getBlue();
            int green = color.getGreen();
            int transparency = color.getTransparency();
            int alpha = color.getAlpha();

            int newRed = xor(Integer.toBinaryString(red),paddedBitPattern(lfsr.generate(8)));

            int newGreen = xor(Integer.toBinaryString(green),paddedBitPattern(lfsr.generate(8)));

            int newBlue = xor(Integer.toBinaryString(blue),paddedBitPattern(lfsr.generate(8)));

            Color newColor = new Color(newRed, newGreen, newBlue);
            pic.set(x, y, newColor);

 * Pads bit pattern to the left with 0s if it is not 8 bits long
 * @param bitPattern
 * @return 
public String paddedBitPattern(int bitPattern)
    String tempBit = Integer.toBinaryString(bitPattern);
    String newPattern = "";
    for(int i = 1; i < 9-tempBit.length(); i++)
        newPattern += "0";
    newPattern += tempBit;
    return newPattern;

 * Performs the bitwise XOR
 * @param colorComponent
 * @param generatedBit
 * @return 
public int xor(String colorComponent, String generatedBit)
    String newColor = "";

    for(int i = 0; i < colorComponent.length(); i++)
        if(colorComponent.charAt(i) != generatedBit.charAt(i))
            newColor += 1;
            newColor += 0;
    return Integer.valueOf(newColor,2);



  • You need to pad the result of Integer.toBinaryString() when calculating newRed, newGreen and newBlue. It may not have length 8.