I'm trying to build a executable jar only using the terminal with the following directory structure:
| |---commons-io-2.6.jar
| |---App.java
| |---App.class
| |---App$1.class
| |---App$2.class
How you can see I have already created the App.jar with the command:
jar cmf manifest.mf App.jar src/*.class
But when I try to execute the App.jar file with
java -jar App.jar
I get the error message:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: App (wrong name: src/App)
Here is my manifest.mf:
Class-Path: lib/commons-io-2.6.jar
Main-Class: src/App
Can't see where the fault is and still searching for hours.. Thanks in advance!
the compiler is trying to tell you that it has a package srcApp;. You need to run it from the package root on.