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Convert String array to StringBuilder array

Is there any quick way of converting a String Array to a StringBuilder Array other than using a loop?
Say I have this string array:

String[] str = new String[] {"hi","hello"};

I need to create a StringBuilder array with the same literals.


  • Arrays.setAll() seems to be the simplest one, it may be shorter to type than a loop:

        String[] str = new String[] {"hi","hello"};
        StringBuilder[] sbs = new StringBuilder[str.length];
        Arrays.setAll(sbs, i -> new StringBuilder(str[i]));

    There is even parallelSetAll(), but for simply creating objects it would have to be a really long array to profit from parallelism I think.

    You won't believe how it looks like on the inside:

    public static <T> void setAll(T[] array, IntFunction<? extends T> generator) {
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
            array[i] = generator.apply(i);

    (The parallel one uses IntStream.range().parallel().forEach())

    Original answer
    No loops were harmed during the making of these lines:

    String[] str = new String[] {"hi","hello"};
                              .map(s->new StringBuilder(s))
                              //.collect(Collectors.toList()) // not needed, see comments
                                                              // of @RealSkeptic and @Holger

    So yes of course, it can be done without writing the single loop statement. Just in the background there will be two loops now, one for creating the StringBuilders into a List, and one for converting it to an array. And I still would not call it particularly beautiful either, especially when considering that a similar bunch of lines will be there too at the end, for the other direction.

    If the modifications are independent, and the ends have to stay arrays, I would indeed go with a single, "classic" indexed for loop, doing everything in the body:

    String[] str = new String[] {"hi","hello"};
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str[i]);
      str[i] = sb.toString(); // or perhaps into a new array