I've download sources and imported then into eclipse. But when i try to run it, it prints error that ogre4j isn't found. I've looked into folder where should be library binaries, but there was nothing. I tried to compile it on my own, not automatic with eclipse, but i haven't found any makefile.
Is there any plugin required for ogre4k compiling?
Where can i find any makefile for ogre4j?
According to the Joachims reply i've used ant. But there was two steps, which i've did. In projects directory:
mkdir sdk
ln -s /usr/include/OGRE sdk/include
ln -s /usr/lib/OGRE sdk/lib
And modify build.xml, add these lines:
<property name="env.JAVA_HOME" value="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun" />
<property name="env.OGRE_HOME" value="sdk"/>
And finally run:
ant ogre4j.build.c