I have a simple javascript module pattern that executes client-side.
var module = (function() {
var _privateVariable = 10;
function publicMethod () {
console.log("public method; private variable: " + _privateVariable);
return {
publicMethod: publicMethod
Let's say I want to load in another module (which also uses a module pattern) from a separate javascript file. How do I do that, i.e. something like:
?? Load other module here ??
var _other_module = ??
var module = (function() {
var _privateVariable = 10;
function publicMethod () {
console.log("public method; private variable: " + _privateVariable);
console.log("public method; other module: " + other_module.publicMethod());
return {
publicMethod: publicMethod
You can't. To load another module form another file you need to use a Module formats.
It's a long story, i will try to shorten.
Let's talk first about the old way. earlier the developer used to load alle the JS-Files in a certain order in the HTML-Page. If we have 2 JS-Files index.js and variables.js and we want to get a variable from varible.js in index.js, we had load them like that
<script src="variables.js"></script>
<script src="index.js"></script>
But this is not a good way and has many negatives.
The right way is to use a Module formats.
There are many Module formats,
and each format has own Syntax.
For example CommonJS:
var dep1 = require('./dep1');
module.exports = function(){
// ...
but the Browsers dont't understand that. so we need a Module bundlers or Module loaders to convert our code to code which browsers can understand.
Module bundlers: Bundle your inter-dependent Javascript files in the correct order
Module loaders: a module loader interprets and loads a module written in a certain module format.
This article will help you so much to understand exactly how modules work.