Here is my method, I need to get a Map<Long, List<CMBill>>
public interface CMBillMapper {
Map<Long, List<CMBill>> getCMInvoicesByIdListSQL(@Param("invoiceIds") Set<Long> invoiceIds);
Here is MyBatis xml config, which configures this map.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "" >
<mapper namespace="ru.example.CMBillMapper">
<resultMap id="CMBillResult" type="CMBill">
<result property="id" column="id"/>
<result property="groupId" column="group_id"/>
<result property="clientId" column="client_id"/>
<result property="paidAmount" column="paid_amount"/>
<result property="amount" column="amount"/>
<result property="currency" column="currency"/>
<result property="status" column="status"/>
<select id="getCMInvoicesByIdListSQL" resultMap="CMBillResult">
select it.group_id as group_id, as id,
it.client_id as receiver_id,
it.status as invoice_status,
it.amount as amount,
it.currency as currency,
it.paid_amount as paid_amount,
if.type as if_type,
if.code as if_code,
if.val as if_val
from cm_invoice_tab it
left join cm_inv_group_field_tab if
on if.group_id = it.group_id
where it.group_id in (#{invoiceIds})
But the result of mapper is Map<Long, CMBill>
, and I need another one. How to rewrite my mapper for getting result which I need?
In this case, it is recommended that you directly query and obtain List, and then group the group_id after obtaining the result set.