I'm very new to nodejs. For a while I've been working with paillier-js module which returns a object typeof() of this nature: Integer { value: 340895965n }. Is there a schema that can allow for appropriate storage of this Object with mongoose. I have tried passing the Object directly to mongodb which is successful but when I view it using the MongoDB compass, I get empty { }
const paillier = require('paillier-js');
const bigInt = require('big-integer');
const { publicKey, privateKey } = paillier.generateRandomKeys(16);
//Set the values for the public key for the encryption
publicKey.n.value = 55687n
publicKey._n2.value = 3101041969n;
publicKey.g.value = 1696460192n;
//Set the values for the privateKey for the decryption
privateKey.lambda.value = 27608n;
privateKey.mu.value = 11489n;
privateKey._p.value = 239n;
privateKey._q.value = 233n;
privateKey.publicKey = publicKey
let num1 = 101;
let num2 = 104;
let num3 = 1;
let bn1 = bigInt(num1).mod(publicKey.n);
while (bn1.lt(0)) bn1 = bn1.add(publicKey.n);
let bn2 = bigInt(num2).mod(publicKey.n);
while (bn2.lt(0)) bn2 = bn2.add(publicKey.n);
let bn3 = bigInt(num3).mod(publicKey.n);
while (bn3.lt(0)) bn3 = bn3.add(publicKey.n);
let c1 = publicKey.encrypt(bn1);
console.log("C1: "+ c1);
console.log(c1, "is of type ", typeof(c1))
//c1 = c1.value
let c2 = publicKey.encrypt(bn2);
console.log("C2: ",c2);
//c2 = c2.value
let c3 = publicKey.encrypt(bn3);
console.log("C3: "+c3);
//c3 = c3.value
let encryptedSum = publicKey.addition(c1, c2, c3);
let decryptedSum = privateKey.decrypt(encryptedSum);
console.log('Decrypted addition:', decryptedSum.toString());
Not familiar with MongoDB, but you can use toString()
on a BigInt, converting it to a string before storing in MongoDB, and then of course when reading it from MongoDB, you'll need to reapply BigInt
. Ie,
x = 14142352423459034590345934959032n;
// convert x to string...
xs = x.toString();
// convert string to BigInt
bix = BigInt(xs);
Hope this helps...