I am trying to change collidesWith paramater of an particle system inside of a script but i am getting this error:
Error CS1612 Cannot modify the return value of 'ParticleSystem.collision' because it is not a variable
My Code:
GameObject ammo; //Game object with ParticleSystem on it
public LayerMask desiredLayers;
private void Start()
ammo.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().collision.collidesWith = desiredLayers;
Now my question is what is the correct way to change the layers of a particle system collide with.
Okay i figure it out, apparently ParticleSystem is a property.
And Unity have something special for ParticleSystem which uses Pointers so following code solved my problem:
var collidesWith = ammo.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().collision.collidesWith;
collidesWith = desiredLayers;