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How to set scope for AngularJS component

Suppose I build an AngularJS component

function FooController($scope, $element, $attrs, $http) {
  var ctrl = this; = "WIBBLE";

angular.module("app").component("foo", {
    templateUrl: "/app/components/foo.html",
    controller: FooController,
    transclude: true

with a template like this that contains a transclusion tag with fallback content


and I use it in a page like this


then the fallback content executes in the control scope and I get this


But if I provide the same stuff via transclusion


then the transcluded content has a new isolate scope and $ doesn't resolve so I get


How do I set the appropriate scope?

For a directive I would define the link function and use the transclude function to set the scope but component doesn't support the link function so I can't do that.

Why do Angular (1.5) components always have an isolated scope? suggests that it's flat out impossible and the answer is to use a directive instead. If that's so I'm not sure what the point of components is.


  • You just plain cannot do this for a component. Refactor it as a directive and provide a link function that supplies the directive scope to the transclude function.

            transclude: true, // support <ng-transclude> in the template
            link: function (scope, element, attrs, controller, transclude) {
                var transclusionElement = element.find("ng-transclude");
                transclude(scope, function (clone, scope) {
                    // link element parameter is a jQuery element
                    transclusionElement.html(""); // wipe the slate
                    transclusionElement.append(clone); // write the content
                    // DO NOT TRY TO BE CLEVER LIKE THIS
                    // transclusionElement.html(clone.html());