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Javascript - Get Previous Months Date

If i have a variable that returns a date, in the format of dd MMM yyyy, so 28 Aug 2014, how can i get the date of the previous month.

I can modify the month via:

$scope.DateMapping = function (months) {

    var myVariable = "28 Aug 2014"
    var makeDate = new Date(myVariable);
    prev = new Date(makeDate.getFullYear(), makeDate.getMonth()+1, 1);


Essentially, this is adding one to the Month.. But how can i account for years, so if the current date is 12 Dec 2014, the previous would be 12 Jan 2013?

My application is using AngularJS can make use of filters.


    var myVariable = "28 Aug 2014"
    var makeDate = new Date(myVariable);
    var prev = new Date(makeDate.getFullYear(), makeDate.getMonth()+1, makeDate.getMonth());



    28 Aug 2014
    Thu Aug 28 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time)
    Mon Sep 01 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time)

How comes although the month has incremented, the day is showing as 01 instead of 28?


  • var myVariable = "28 Aug 2014"
    var makeDate = new Date(myVariable);
    makeDate = new Date(makeDate.setMonth(makeDate.getMonth() - 1));


    A shorter version:

    var myVariable = "28 Aug 2014"
    var makeDate = new Date(myVariable);
    console.log('Original date: ', makeDate.toString());
    makeDate.setMonth(makeDate.getMonth() - 1);
    console.log('After subtracting a month: ', makeDate.toString());

    Update 2:

    If you don't want to deal with corner cases just use moment.js. Native JavaScript API for Date is bad.