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How to disable javaScript in SFSafariViewController?

We can disable javaScript in WKWebKit using preference.

 let preferences = WKPreferences()
 preferences.javaScriptEnabled = false
 let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
 configuration.preferences = preferences
 let WebViewKit =  WKWebView(configuration: configuration )

But, Is there is any way to disable the javascript in SFSafariViewController?

  let config = SFSafariViewController.Configuration()
  config.entersReaderIfAvailable = true
  let svc = SFSafariViewController(url: self,configuration: config)


  • I believe there is NO way to do it. Like what you've mentioned, WKWebView has javaScriptEnabled.

    SFSafariViewController must have or gets the user configurations from Safari.

    To disable it using Safari:

    You can disable javascript in Mac OS X Safari by going to Safari->Preferences (Command-,). Click on the Security tab and then uncheck "Enable Javascript". Use the same process to turn javascript back on later.

    Meanwhile, Apple says in their doc

    The user's activity and interaction with SFSafariViewController are not visible to your app, which cannot access AutoFill data, browsing history, or website data.

    Also, based in SFSafariViewController.h, you can't do much.

    So I guess it's understandable enough that you can't do further than what are there.

    Hope it helps.