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Implementing 3 way partitioning for quick sort

I am trying to implement 3-Way partitioning for quick sort. I tested with a lot of custom test cases but if works fine, but it fails for some unknown cases. I am unable to figure out where am I going.

Here's the code. Partitioning:

int* partition3(vector<long long int> &a, int l, int r) {
  int* m = new int[2];

  long long int x = a[l];

  int j = l;
  int k = l;

  for (int i = l + 1; i <= r; i++) {

    if (a[i] < x) {
      swap(a[i], a[j]);
    else if(a[i]==x)
  swap(a[l], a[j]);    
  return m;

Sort Function:

void randomized_quick_sort(vector<long long int> &a, int l, int r) {
  if (l >= r) {

  int k = l + rand() % (r - l + 1);

  swap(a[l], a[k]);

  int* m = new int[2];

  m = partition3(a, l, r);

  randomized_quick_sort(a, l, m[0]-1);
  randomized_quick_sort(a, m[1], r);

I will be grateful if you help me out.


  • The easiest way to implement three-way partition that is provably correct is to use the method of loop invariants. For simplicity and genericity let's work with iterators. Consider the following invariants:

    In the range
      [first, i)  all elements are less than pivot
      [i, j)      all elements are equal to pivot
      [j, k)      unpartitioned range
      [k, last)   all elements are greater than pivot

    Initially, i = first, j = first, and k = last, so that the whole range [first, last) is unpartitioned. At each iteration we'll contract this range by one element. Finally, j = k, so that the whole range is three-way partitioned.

    The following code implements this idea:

    template<class It>
    std::pair<It, It> three_way_partition(It first, It last) {
        assert(first != last);    
        const auto& pivot = *--last;
        auto i = first, j = first, k = last;
        while (j != k)
            if (*j < pivot)
                std::iter_swap(i++, j++);
            else if (pivot < *j)
                std::iter_swap(j, --k);
        std::iter_swap(j++, last);
        return {i, j};

    Here I used the last element as the pivot. This choice simplifies the code, but is not essential.

    Quick sort algorithm that uses this function is:

    template<class It, class Gen>
    void randomized_quick_sort(It first, It last, Gen&& gen) {
        if (last - first <= 1)
        std::uniform_int_distribution<typename It::difference_type> 
            dist(0, last - first - 1);
        std::iter_swap(first + dist(gen), last - 1);
        const auto p = three_way_partition(first, last);
        randomized_quick_sort(first, p.first, gen);
        randomized_quick_sort(p.second, last, gen);

    Sample use case:

    std::mt19937 gen; // you might want to initialize it with std::random_device
    std::vector<int> vec;
    // initialize vec
    randomized_quick_sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), gen);
