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Is there a way to lazy export file with ESModule?

I have a project which has many files to export. For now I use CommonJS to lazy export those files:

module.exports = {
  get AccessibilityInfo() {
    return require('../Components/AccessibilityInfo/AccessibilityInfo');
  get ActivityIndicator() {
    return require('../Components/ActivityIndicator/ActivityIndicator');
  // .... many other files 

ReactNative do the same thing React Native, so that a file is only loaded when it is imported specifically.

I want to refactor this file with ESModule, but I can't find a way to export files lazily.
Is there a way to export files lazily with ESModule?
Is it necessary to export files lazily with ESModule?


  • The ECMAScript way of doing this is via dynamic import(). The syntax is basically the same and it does what you'd expect, except that it returns a promise (which is great - it means that the operation does not lock the thread). Your code could e.g. look like this:

    export const getAccessibilityInfo = () =>
    export const getActivityIndicator = () =>

    You would then grab these modules like this:

    import { getActivityIndicator } from "./the/module/above";
    const ActivityIndicatorPromise = getActivityIndicator();
    // Whenever you need to use the ActivityIdicator module, you first need to await for the promise resolution
    ActivityIndicatorPromise.then(ActivityIndicatorModule => {
      // Do what you want here...

    You can read more about it here: It also lists the cases where this syntax would be preferable. If you were hoping that this was possible using the static import syntax (import X from '../whatever';), rest assured - it is not.